We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of APFC Panels (Automatic Power Facter Control Panels) from Islampur, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.

In Most Of The Industries, Due To The Fluctuating Load Conditions, The Power Factor Also Varies Accordingly. Hence It Is Practically Difficult To Maintain A Penalty Free Power Factor With Fixed Compensation Of Capacitors. This Results In Low Power Factor And Leads To Higher Kva Demand And P.F. Penalties.

Due To Variable Load Conditions And Cumbersome Manual Switching Of Capacitors The Power Factor Can Not Be Maintained At Desired Levels. As Close Monitoring Of Power Factor Is Required All The Time To Avoid Penalties And To Minimize The KVA Demand, Automatic Power Factor Correction Panels Are The Best Solutions.

The Panel Are Manufactured Using Micro Controller Based Control Relay To Control The Capacitor Switching. All The Settings Are Done By Finger Tip Key Pad With Options To Select "FIFO" Of "CYCLIC" Order And Many More. The Panels Are Made Based On Study Of Your Load And Perfect Tuning Is Possible To The Requirement Of Your System.

Advantages Of Automatic Power Factor Panels
  • Avoids Power Factor Penalties
  • Reduces KVA Demand
  • Avoids Leading Power Factor
  • Avoids Over Excitation Of Generators.
  • Minimizes Line Losses
  • Minimizes Transformer Losses
  • Protects Motors, Switchgears From
  • Improves Voltage Conditions

We Are Manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter Of Capacitors